The Busan-Gwangju S-Train

[This post is not sponsored by Korail ]

The S-Train is a tourist train that is used to promote tourism in the southern areas of the country. There are two lines: the Seoul-Yeosu line and the Busan-Gwangju line. The Busan-Gwangju line operates twice a week: Saturday and Sunday. Since the original Mugungwha connection between Busan and Gwangju (and Mokpo) disappeared, the S-train lowered their prices significantly for travelers between Busan and Gwangju. This is good news for bike riders, since there is a designated compartment to store bicycles for free.

You can use their website, their app KorailTalk and the ticket booths and counters at stations to get tickets. We find the app the most convenient to navigate. The process of getting on the train is easy, the following guide helps you find the right train. Have a great trip!