Flèche Busanne · Ride Ride South

62 km ● 853 m

Ride Ride South
Suyeong-gu, Busan
2024.04.13 · 09:00

Open group ride
Free of charge


🇰🇷 Ride Ride South
🇺🇸 Routes Busan

The Flèche Wallonne is famous for the extremely steep final climb up Mur de Huy. In the Busan area you’ll find many short climbs that take everything out of your lungs and legs, like the Mur de Lee.

Every starting rider will earn :
· A limited edition Flandrien rider card from the Tour of Flanders Center, Belgium
(rider cards will be picked at random, as long as available).

Finish 3 out of 4 rides in the Classics Series and earn:
· RideWithGPS Premium for 3 months (2 lucky finishers win a year subscription)
· 15% off at Ride Ride South Bicycle Shop, Busan + additional 5% discount on products on sale (excluding fixed-price brands)

· Follow routesbusan on Instagram.
· Before joining every ride, register by Instagram or Kakao DM through Routes Busan or the host of the ride.
· After the first two rides, stamp cards will be handed out to all riders that want to participate.
· After the last two rides stamp cards with at least three stamps can be exchanged for the rewards.